Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Luckiest Woman on Earth

 In the spirit of Mother's Day this week and also while standing on the brink of going to Hawaii for two weeks really soon, I have felt very blessed in my life and I have four really good reasons life is good right now here to discuss.
I love Chloe's big bear hugs. I love it when I come into a room and where I thought there was previously a mess, she has organized it without being asked. I love it when she laughs so hard she can't help herself, especially when I get stern with her. Nothing sets the giggles off like when she's in trouble. I love her long beautiful blonde hair and I love it when she lets me play with it. I love that her eyes look double their size in her bifocal glasses. I love that she makes friends so easily and I love it when she reports to me when someone is being immodest, then reminds me that we love immodest people too. I love that she loves God and Jesus and Captain Moroni. I love when she takes care of little things like getting Odell's shoes on for me when I'm in a hurry and need to get the kids out the door. I love it when she tells me how yummy my meals are. I love it when she tells me I'm the best mommy ever, and I love it when I hear Linus concur. She's the best little five year old know-it-all I've had the privilege to call mine.
I love Linus' giggle. He has the best hearty giggle you will ever hear. I love his wet little kisses on my cheeks before bed. I love it when he wakes up from his nap and is still groggy, but comes and gives me a big hug and tells me what a good boy he was for taking a really long nap. I love it when he talks in his sleep. I love his sense of curiosity and adventure. I love that he has the same getup that he wears inside and outside the house everyday: his cowboy belt and orange gun (just one gun, even though the belt has two holsters), a black and white sweat band around his head, and a purse filled with a bunch of his toys from his drawers, and I love that he didn't care a bit when another boy in the neighborhood told him that boys don't wear purses. I love when he runs through puddles, he'll pull his shorts up to his thighs and skip through them as fast as he can. I love when he has no clue what is going on, but gets really excited about what we are doing anyway. I love when he sits on the counter and "helps" me with dinner. I love when he smiles at me. I love Linus' smile. He is the best almost four year old little monkey I call my son.
I love Odell's chubby little legs. I love her whispy hair. I love her big blue eyes. I love when she points to all the parts of my face, sometimes digging a bit harder than a face should really handle, and calls them out by name. I love scooping her up in my arms and placing her where she fits best in my lap. I love hearing her laugh when I tickle her. I love her toothy little smile. I love hearing her point to me over and over and over again and saying "Momma," as though just to reaffirm that I'm still here and still her momma. I love the way her arms swing and skirt bounces when she walks. I love her "Mmmmma!" kisses and I laugh uncontrollably when she tries to kiss me on the mouth. I love waking up to find the gifts of small toys that she has lined up on my side of the bed as good morning presents. I love that she carries her sister's baby doll with her wherever she goes. I love her little words that she learns everyday. I love that she knows who Jesus is and points to him in pictures. She is the most angelic little toddler girl I get to cuddle with every day.
And I love Craig, my best friend and eternal companion. I love his goofy smile and corny jokes. I love watching him when he sleeps and he looks so peaceful. I love sharing scriptures and discussing gospel topics with him. I love listening to him pray and love to hear him pray for me because it reminds me that I am loved. I love when I pray for him and things work out in his day that otherwise wouldn't. I love his hugs. I love watching movies with him on Friday nights and I love that we reserve that time for each other each week. I love sitting in the temple with him each month. I love when our kids do ridiculous and embarrassing things when we are in public together and we just look at each other and laugh. I love when we share stories from the day about the kids with each other. I love what a good father he is and love it when he finally gives in and let's the kids play "'TACK DADDY!" (attack daddy) with him. I love what a good housekeeper he is, especially when I fall behind and I come home after a busy day to find everything in order. That brings a lot of peace to a woman's soul. I love his manly-man beard. I love watching him serve other people, even when it's inconvenient for the rest of us. I love our pillow talk, even when I'm left the last one talking after he's drifted off. He is the one for me and I am the one for him and I'm so grateful Heavenly Father lead me to him and I have such a beautiful family with him. He is my home and I feel safe with him around.
I love being a wife and mother and would not trade it for anything in the world.
And I know I'm going to read this over and over again while I'm in Hawaii and cry my little eyes out. Note to Hawaii-trip-Chelsea: close the laptop, get your camera out, and go take some pictures and then read a book on the beach and stop moping!
Goodnight. :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So sweet Chels. You have a fabulous family!

  3. I know words can be decieving... but it seems that you have yourself so put together and are just loving life. I'm a bit jelous. I can just see your almost perfect children who are rarely in time out and are all smiles all the time. I may start calling you 'June Cleaver'. :D Have a great time in Hawaii! And don't buy patterns to sew clothes for the kids!!! There are plenty of free ones online that you can print out and they are much better. I miss you! Hope you are home by the time we get there at the end of the month!

  4. BTW, LOVE the aviator glasses! Those pics are darling! I can't believe how grown up your kids are!
