Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hoodie. Footie.

Okay, folks. The long awaited pictures have arrived.
One surprising day a couple of weeks ago, Craig comes up to me and goes, "I just got your Valentine's Gift, do you want it now or later?"
I'm definitely not a later person, so in a few moments I was the proud owner of a gift certificate to PajamaGram where you can purchase one of these beauties:

That's right. It's a hoodie AND footie pajamas all rolled into one. Did I know that I would look this ridiculous in it? Of course. That's kinda the point, isn't it? A large, shapeless blob of fashionwear. With a hood. But, it's very cozy and warm. I have holes in my sleeves to put my thumbs through and the footies have zippers on them so I could take them off of I wanted. If I felt like it. I pretty much feel like I look in this picture when I wear it. You know. Like I could conquer the world.
Can I just say that the months before Spring are the WORST. We go stir crazy around here some days. Today Linus has refused to put on his pajamas until I fold the laundry (he's a little crazy about laundry...I'll have to post about that later). But he found some other things to wear.

He's got the moves like Jagger.
Hi, Chloe. 

 My silly little girl. She does this at least 12 times a day. And I laugh every time.

Here's hoping the weather forecast is right for tomorrow and that we'll be able to go frolic in some 60 degree weather!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We heart cookies!

I love Valentine's Day. It was Valentine's Day seven years ago that Craig first told me he loved me. On a playground in a very VERY cliche park in Greeley, notorious for lovers and cheap weddings (ten points to the person who can guess WHICH park). We made just a couple valentines this year for Grandma and Grandpa and make them some cookies. Then left really loud messages on some other siblings' phones. It was great fun.

 I found a really cool, easy way to put frosting into bags. I can't find the video now, but basically you plop some frosting in some plastic wrap, roll the plastic wrap around it like a burrito, making sure it all sticks to itself, then grab the excess ends on either side and spin them around until it's all twisted up (tight enough that you have two plastic twisted "strings" on either side, but not too tight that the bubble holding the blob in the middle pops). Then tie one end off and stick the other end into the prepped bag until the "sting" comes out the other side, pull it through, then clip off the string and screw the tip on. Voila. Then you don't have to worry about it coming out the other end and when you are done, just pull out the bag and throw it away. Makes me want to decorate cookies all day long...

 The lovely roses Craig got me. One rose for every year we've been together since the first Valentine's Day we spent together. :-)
 I love roses.
 This is Chloe's rose. She LOVED it. She asks to smell it like every five minutes. Linus and Odell got some candy, but it's not as exciting to take pictures of a bag of candy hearts.
I am getting Craig something special for Valentine's Day, but he has to wait until this weekend to get it. I will document later. In the meantime I've been writing him letters every day with clues to what it may be. He gave me his best guess through text just now...and he's WAY off...hee hee...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Flowers (Nothing But)

Nothing to cure the mid-February-not-quite-Valentine's-Day-blues like going out for happy meals and then burning it off by jumping off the couch. While listening to Talking Heads. Really loud.

If this is paradise, I wish I had a lawn mower.